Press Release | GD Helicopter Finance宣布任命首席执行官

当地时间4月22日,总部位于爱尔兰都柏林的初创直升机租赁和金融公司GD Helicopter Finance (GDHF)宣布任命Michael York为公司首席执行官。

Michael York的职业生涯拥有超过30年的领导经验,职业角色遍布多个国家的航空、军事、商业、咨询、金融、贸易和高级管理职位。在此经历之前,Michael曾在军队服役,驾驶直升机和战斗机,是F/A-18大黄蜂战斗机的飞行员及飞行教员,曾在美国海军交换飞行三年。Michael曾以优异的成绩获得纽卡斯尔大学工商管理硕士学位和新南威尔士联合大学理学学士学位。在最近的工作经历中,Michael作为全球最大的直升机金融公司的商业联合主管,在五年的时间里取得了巨大成功。

Michael York表示:“我很荣幸能够以创始首席执行官的身份领导GDHF。我的目标是建立行业内最好的团队和平台,打造一个强大长期的以客户为中心,信任、诚信、卓越、快速、灵活的企业文化。我相信这一策略将为我们的客户带来巨大的价值。GDHF将通过现有的50架空客H160中型直升机采购订单和近期新增的超中型直升机采购订单,以及快速调配追加额外资本以满足直升机金融市场需求的能力,为我们的客户提供最新技术、高效率、高性价比的多用途直升机。”


GD Helicopter Finance (GDHF)是一家总部位于爱尔兰都柏林的初创直升机租赁与融资公司。GDHF计划快速增加对具备最新技术、高效率、高性价比的多用途直升机的大批量投资,并租赁给全球客户。

Press Release website link:  点击左下角“阅读原文”查看相关新闻

Dublin, 22 April 2024: GD Helicopter Finance (GDHF), a start-up helicopter leasing and finance company based in Dublin, Ireland, today announced the appointment of Michael York as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Michael’s career includes over three decades of leadership experience across aviation, military, business, consulting, finance, commercial roles and senior executive positions in multiple countries. Michael previously served as a military leader, helicopter pilot and fighter pilot, flying and instructing on the F/A-18 Hornet, including three years on exchange flying with the US Navy. Michael holds an MBA (with distinction) from the University of Newcastle, and a Bachelor of Science degree (UNSW). Most recently, Michael achieved great success during a 5-year period as the joint Head of Commercial for the world’s largest helicopter finance company.

Michael York said: “I am honoured to lead GDHF as the founding CEO. My goal is to build the best team and platform in the industry, setting a strong long-term culture of customer focus, trust, integrity, excellence, speed and flexibility. I am confident that this approach will deliver significant value for our customers. GDHF will offer our customers near term availability of the newest technology, efficient, cost-effective, multi-mission helicopters, via an existing order book of 50 x Airbus H160 medium helicopters and a near term additional order of Super Medium helicopters, along with the capacity for GDHF to readily deploy additional capital to meet market requirements for Helicopter financing.”

About GDHF

GD Helicopter Finance (GDHF) is a start-up helicopter leasing and finance company based in Dublin, Ireland. GDHF plans to rapidly grow a large portfolio of the newest technology, efficient, cost-effective, multi-mission helicopters, and lease to customers globally.

关  于  捷  德


捷德集团(GDAT GROUP)成立于2012年,是以通用航空及实业为主业的综合型企业集团,由航空运行和航空实业两大板块组成,旗下拥有多家分、子公司,总部位于上海,自有苏州和宁波两大运营基地,是国内一枝独秀的“创新型通用航空综合服务提供商”,最早实践"国内-国际"双循环的通航企业。



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